At St. Bernadette’s, we believe that Religious Education extends far beyond the confines of dedicated RE lessons. The message and spirit of the Gospel are woven into every aspect of school life. Through our teaching, our example, acts of worship, and shared Christian values, we work alongside families and the parish to nurture and awaken a living, personal faith within our school community. This commitment aligns with our school’s mission statement, guiding us in our mission to foster spiritual growth and moral understanding.
As a Catholic school, we are dedicated to providing each child with access to a broad, balanced curriculum that encourages a sense of self-worth, dignity, and esteem. Our approach enables children to apply and deepen their knowledge and skills across subjects, cultivating a deeper understanding of religious truths and encouraging creative thinking.
At St. Bernadette’s, we are committed to:
- Placing Religious Education at the heart of our school curriculum, developing children’s spirituality, and helping them understand Gospel values.
Our Aims in Religious Education at St. Bernadette’s will include the following:
- Through our RE teaching, we will deepen the understanding and knowledge of the Catholic faith, ensuring that children are familiar with the person, life, and teachings of Jesus, who reveals both the face of God and the fullness of what it means to be human.
- We will guide each child to live and grow in a community that reflects human dignity, purpose, and values based on love, tolerance, and justice.
- We will ensure all children have access to the RE curriculum, celebrating their individual talents and acknowledging their personal needs, understanding that every child is on a unique journey of faith.
- We will respect and appreciate the faiths of others through our study of Judaism and Islam, our Multi-faith assemblies, and our commitment to the Caritas in Action scheme for SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) education.
- We will actively seek opportunities to involve the parish and wider community in the teaching and practice of Religious Education.
Religious Education Curriculum: Teaching and Learning
At St. Bernadette’s, Religious Education is central to our curriculum. It accounts for approximately 10% of available curriculum time per year group, in line with the recommendations of the Bishops of England and Wales. This 10% allocation is dedicated to specific RE teaching and does not include collective worship.
The RE curriculum is delivered through the diocesan-approved programme Come and See, which addresses three fundamental human questions and the Church’s responses to these through the Christian faith:
- Where do I come from? – Life and Creation
- Who am I? – The Incarnation
- Why am I here? – Redemption
These key questions are explored in light of Scripture and the Tradition of the Church, as articulated in the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The programme also includes the study of two comparative religions: Judaism (which is mandatory) and Islam (as the second chosen religion).
Planning and Resourcing
For each year group, medium-term and weekly plans are developed and available in the Teacher Handbook and through the Come and See website. Resources to support the curriculum are provided online, and planning is adapted by the class teacher to meet the individual needs of all children.
Each unit of work follows the structure of:
- Explore – Introducing key themes and ideas.
- Reveal – Deepening understanding through exploration of Scripture and Catholic teaching.
- Respond – Encouraging children to reflect on what they have learned and respond personally and spiritually.
Continuity and Progression
The content of each RE unit is carefully structured to ensure progression and cohesion throughout the school year. Our approach is designed to accommodate varying levels of ability, with:
- Clearly defined aims for each unit.
- Achievable learning outcomes that support every child’s development.
- A range of activities and experiences tailored to each learning intention.
Through this well-thought-out approach, we strive to create an environment where each child can grow in faith, knowledge, and love, and where the spirit of the Gospel is alive in everything we do at St. Bernadette’s.