At St Bernadette’s, we have a committed Pupil Leadership Team that encourages our students to actively contribute to our school community. Guided by our core values, they motivate and lead their peers, helping to create a positive and inclusive atmosphere for everyone.

Our Pupil Leadership Teams

“We want our school to be a  place of worship and peace and remember, we’re always here for you if you feel sad or upset. “

“To Grow In Faith Together is a G.I.F.T “


The GIFT Team plays a vital role in the spiritual life of St Bernadette’s, demonstrating their dedication by leading collective worship and inspiring faith throughout the school. These students are passionate ambassadors of our Catholic ethos, taking on the responsibility of organising and leading prayer services that bring our community together in worship and reflection. Through their thoughtful planning and leadership, they create opportunities for both students and staff to deepen their relationship with God and grow in faith.

In addition to leading prayer and worship, the GIFT Team encourages spiritual reflection and actively promotes social justice initiatives within and beyond our school. They help to foster a culture of kindness, compassion, and empathy, raising awareness of important issues affecting those in need. Whether it’s through organising charitable projects, supporting fundraising events, or spreading messages of hope and encouragement, the GIFT Team empowers our school community to live out the Gospel values in meaningful ways.

Their leadership not only enriches the spiritual life of our school but also inspires others to follow Christ’s example in their daily lives. By demonstrating faith in action, the GIFT Team helps to build a school environment rooted in love, service, and a deep connection to our Catholic identity.

Our  Achievements As A GIFT Team…

Our job is so important because we are helping to look after the most precious thing in our school- our faith.

We are messengers of God’s love and are trying to promote the Word of God in our school!

We worked very hard last year to help the children in our school to develop their faith.

Here are a list of some of our achievements…

At the start of the year, in September, we sent out invitations to the parishioners to invite them to our ‘Start of a new school year’ mass. They were delighted and the church was full!

  • During the month of October we showed our friends in school how to pray the Rosary and help them to remember the special prayers we say to Mary. We did this during each classes Collective Worship session on a Wednesday morning.
    • TIME WITH GOD TUESDAY’S. This is when we organise and lead art and craft activities where children can make special cards for those people they want to pray for. Each month we focus on a special theme e.g in November we remembered those who had died.
    • During Advent, we helped and led prayers during  our Advent services, assemblies and masses.
    • In November we organised and led a competition for all the children in school. They had to re-design the front cover of the bible.This was all part of the Year of the Word that we learnt about too!
    • We led a mass in church with Father Steven and we have led our own assemblies in front of the whole school – the theme was ‘Looking after our world around us’. We organised children to help us and the resources too!
    • We have showed current, new parents and their families around our school. This was fun


Our Work and Plans for 2024-2025

Since the beginning  of this academic year our GIFT team have been wonderful in preparing and leading worships and school masses, dressing altars within each class and around the school, putting their ‘faith into action’ , spreading the Word of God throughout our school and community and welcoming visitors and new pupils to our school. They have a vital role in enhancing the Religious life of our school.

Recently, the team prepared and led an Advent assembly for the whole school, parents and parishioners. It was about the second Advent candle of Peace and they worked so hard to write their parts and speak clearly whilst keeping  the atmosphere prayerful and respectful.

October – lead and celebrate the Rosary with each class

    • November – In November We Remember – lead worship linked to this theme.
    • December – prepare, support and lead Advent assemblies
    • January – Time With God Tuesday’s. Make new year resolutions to God.
    • February: Valentines Day/Love theme in Time With God Tuesday’s. Reaching out to the people we love.
    • March and April – Lenten promises to God. A flannel for the homeless idea to reach out to the less fortunate people.
    • We are going to give help and give advice to the Year 3 children as they prepare for their First Holy Communion in May
    • We will also continue to organise and lead collective worship throughout school, assemblies and masses.
Laudato Si Pupil Group – led by Miss K Owens
Christmas is a time of joy, hope and celebration but also a time for us as a team to help spread awareness of looking after our common home. Inspired by Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si “Listen to the cry of the Earth” we have worked together in our meetings during Advent to ensure that everyone across school receives important ways in which they can protect God’s world. We have discussed walking to school, sustainable gift giving, donations to charities like CAFOD and CARITAS instead of cards and reusing decorations throughout the season.
We were so thrilled to find out that so many classes already turn off the lights and fairy lights when they leave their rooms, great Stewards of Creation!
Please find attached some photos of us planning and presenting our discussions with the rest of the school .
CARITAS Pupil Group led by Miss E McGrath
The CARITAS team is excited to continue its mission of helping and supporting the wider community throughout the year. This year, the team will focus on organising various fundraising activities, with each class adopting a class charity and planning their own fundraising efforts. These initiatives reflect the Catholic Social Teaching value of “Option for the Poor,” as we strive to support those in need.
So far, our team has donated toiletry items for the Bury Homeless Project, made generous donations to local food banks, and brightened the lives of residents at Regency Care Home through a recent visit.
Additionally, the CARITAS team led the first Advent assembly, sharing the theme of hope with our school community. As we move forward, we are committed to making a positive impact and fostering a spirit of kindness and service throughout the year.

Together, these groups embody our commitment to nurturing hearts, minds, and spirits, in line with our mission statement: “Jesus is very important in our school. He is at the heart of everything we do.” The Pupil Leadership Team at St Bernadette’s inspires their peers to live out our Catholic values in meaningful and impactful ways. By taking on active roles within our school and beyond, they demonstrate how even small actions, done with great love, can create positive change. Their dedication not only strengthens our school community but also extends our reach, reminding us all of the importance of living faithfully and compassionately every day.