Safeguarding Training and Policies
We update our Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy annually. This ensures that any new learning is incorporated into our policy and it can respond to the most up-to-date thinking regarding child protection. All of our staff take part in very comprehensive Safeguarding training, ensuring that Safeguarding is seen as everybody’s business and everybody is equipped with the tools they need to protect our children. Regular updates keep our training refreshed and current. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead ensures that safeguarding updates are communicated to staff on a regular basis.
Safeguarding Procedures for School Staff
Teachers and Support staff monitor the wellbeing of children on a day to day basis. If they, or any other member of the team, have any concerns relating to the safeguarding of a child they report this to a Designated Safeguarding leader within school. They also log all safeguarding issues on CPOMS which is the school’s central safeguarding system. The designated safeguarding leaders then look at this information and decide on the appropriate course of action. We regularly work with a range of agencies locally who can help us to ensure the best outcome for the children in our care.
Safeguarding Procedures for Parents
If parents have any concerns relating to the wellbeing of their children or any other children, they can report it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will decide what action to take.
Should you ever have urgent concerns for the immediate safety of a child, you should contact the police, in the case of an emergency, or you can make a direct referral to MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 0161 253 5678.
Early Help Guidance
The new Early Help delivery model has been developed through our multiagency Children Trust Partnership, and came into effect on Monday 7 October 2019.
- There are 3 new locality Early Help teams based in Bury, Radcliffe and Whitefield and support all five neighbourhoods
- The teams are working with children and young people, age 0-19, and their families
- The teams are linked to the schools, so that every school in the borough has an Early Help contact
- Similar pathways to support are being developed for pre-school children and post-school
- The Early Help teams link with partner organisations to ensure a joined up approach
- A new Early Help assessment, the Story So Far, replaces the previous Early Help Family Support Plan and is already being successfully used by schools and other agencies
Whitefield Locality Team (including Prestwich)
Telephone Number: 0161 253 5077