Our Class Teacher is
Mrs. O’Donnell.
Mrs. Mills will teach us on Fridays!
Other adults who help in our class are:
Mrs. J. Taylor
Mrs. Scott
In Year 3/4 we are all WELCOME in God’s name, as God’s children.
Inspired by the WORD of God.
We are WITNESSES to the word of God in our actions.
Throughout the day we WORSHIP in many different ways.
We care about the WELFARE of our school community.
For more information about the curriculum covered in our class, go to the Parents page and click on Curriculum.
If you have any questions that are not answered in the newsletter, please ask one of team or write us a message in your child’s journal.
If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, please make an appointment via their journal or the school office.
Maths Calculation Help
Below you will find our calculation booklets for Y3 and Y4 to help you understand how your child learns to calculate at
St Bernadette’s. Additionally, you can access copies of our calculation evening presentation from last year.
Our Year 4 children will be completing the Multiplication Check in June this year. Information from the meeting can be found on the link below.
Holy Communion Class
We begin the preparation for our First Holy Communion Class
During this year the children in Year 3 will begin to move forward in their faith, as they make their First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. During this time school, home and parish will all work together in preparing our children to receive these blessed sacraments.
Please note that some dates and locations will be confirmed nearer the time, as will the allocation of dates for when your child will make their first Holy Communion and Reconciliation.
Any issues; please speak to one of our team
Please click the link for the statutory spelling lists for Years 3 and 4 and Years 1 and 2 (for revision).
Quick Links
Please follow our school page on X for regular updates of our school day!