Statement of Intent
Here at St Bernadette’s Primary School, our aim is to provide a curriculum that is stimulating, broad, balanced, innovative and creative which enables us ‘to learn, achieve and grow in God’s love.’ It is designed to provide all pupils with the opportunity to be curious and wise in their learning and knowledge and to be attentive and discerning in order to make sense of the world and give purpose as to why we learn about and from Religion.
As a Catholic school, Jesus Christ is at the heart of everything we teach and learn. We are deeply committed to developing children’s faith and our shared vision is made real as we put our mission and gospel values into practice and our deep commitment to preparing children for modern life in Whitefield, Britain, and the wider world. We want children to become know and be grateful for their gifts and talents, develop them to the full so they can become generous in the service of the community and the world. Through developing the children’s knowledge and understanding of their own faith, other faiths, and world religions the children will become compassionate and loving to all people and the world around them.
We sincerely believe that:
- Christ is our role model and our invisible teacher in every room in this school
- Every child has a right to have the Spiritual aspect of their being developed and nurtured
- Parents, in choosing this Catholic School, have made the decision, on behalf of their child, to have their child brought up in the teachings of the Catholic faith
- The Catholic School is instrumental in fulfilling the baptismal promise made by the Church to support and provide for the child in the catholic faith
- The Children will have a “Family” and sense of belonging in both the Catholic faith and in the parish
- It is our responsibility to provide Children with learning and situations which will enable them to enter into their own personal relationship with God
- It is our duty as a Catholic School to ensure that the children experience excellence in all areas of life and learning and that they have the maximum opportunity to develop their own individual God given talents to reach and achieve their own potential and to “have life to the full”
- It is an education which places values and symbols at the heart of all practices.
- It promotes the highest of values and a love and respect for all peoples and all of Creation.