Our Statement of Intent

Here at St Bernadette’s, we believe that sound English skills are essential for progress across the curriculum and to prepare pupils effectively for tasks of adult life.

All teachers have a responsibility to develop pupils’ competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening in their own subjects and to ensure that pupils become competent users of language, and can access the curriculum effectively and achieve their potential.

St Bernadette’s:

  • Recognises the effect that a confident, fluent and coherent understanding of English will have on a pupil’s progress, both inside and outside of the school environment.
  • Understands how a strong grounding in English will impact the future learning and development of a pupil in all aspects of their life.
  • Provides a balanced and broad curriculum which encompasses writing practice, including handwriting, spelling, widening vocabulary, and writing for different styles, purposes, and audiences, as well as focusing on spoken English, reading, grammar and pronunciation.
  • Ensures that all staff members are aware of planning, assessment, teaching and learning requirements for the English curriculum.
  • Ensures that all pupils know how to plan, practise and evaluate their work.
  • Ensures that all pupils understand all elements of English, as per the national curriculum.


At St. Bernadette’s R.C. Primary School, we aim to promote and value reading as an enjoyable activity and as a life skill.

Our Vision:

”To develop in pupils a love of books that will not only support their learning across the Curriculum, but will also enrich their lives.”

Class Authors

Each class has a class author. Over the year, we find out all about the author’s life and we encourage the children to read their works by having a selection available in our class/school library or reading one of their books together in DEAR time. Information about our class authors is shown in our inviting, engaging and child friendly areas within each classroom.

Our class authors are:

Nursery: Eric Carle

Reception: Julia Donaldson

Year 1: Colin McNaughton

Year 1/2: Anthony Browne

Year 2: Michael Rosen

Year 3: J.K. Rowling

Year 3/4: Cressida Cowell

Year 4: Philip Pullman

Year 5: David Walliams

Year 5/6: Michael Morpurgo

Year 6: William Shakespeare

World Book Day 2023

This year, as a whole school, we dressed as an adjective.

Reading Gallery