Meet the Teacher

Meet the teacher document

What Would Jesus Do?

During any ‘tricky’ times in our lives we remember Jesus is at the centre of EVERYTHING we do

and we will always ask ourselves,

What Would Jesus Do ?


Curriculum Information 

Please click on this link to access our Autumn newsletter 2023

Please click on this link to access our Spring newsletter 2024

Please click on this link to access our Summer newsletter 2024

For more information about the curriculum covered in our class, go to the Curriculum Pages of the website.

Our Class Saint is
Saint Teresa of Calcutta 

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”

Our Class Author is
Michael Morpurgo

“Stories make you think and dream; books make you want to ask questions”

Our Class Artist is
Pablo Picasso

“Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up.”


Use the following link to access

My Maths – our new Maths homework tool.

Year 6 Maths Booster Tool

Times Tables Rock stars – Please encourage your child to log onto Time Tables Rock stars to recall multiplication and division facts.


Please click the link for the statutory spelling lists for Years 3 and 4 (for revision) and Years 5 and 6.